■NEC uPD861C PLL周波数シンセサイザ未使用、データシートありません> Programmable Divider - Divide by 3 to 255> 10-Bit Divider> Phase Detector> Reference Oscillator Circuit> On-Chip Filter Amplifier> Code Converter> Only Two or Three Crystals Required for CD Radio AM Frequency Selection> Unlocked Signals are Detected at Instant Stop "IS" Terminal> Two Type Program Mode can be Selected to Change Input Mode Level:> M: Low Level - Binary Code Input Enables, Divided by 3 to 255> M: High Level - BCD Code Enables that the Data at P1 to P6 Port is Offset 90 by Code Converter> Internal Active Filter Amplifier has a Long Holding Time due to Very High Input Impedance> Characteristics of the CMOS - this is to Obtain Very Good Spurious Response> Output Signal of the "I" can be Used to Stop the Spurious Radiation when the Channel Selector Makes> Misprogramming such as Rotary Switch's Lose Contact> High Speed and Low Power Consumption due to CMOS> Single Power Supply and Fully TTL Compatible: VDD = 5V ±0.5V> Operating Temperature: TA = -30° to +65°C> Pull Down Resistors Installed in Program and Mode Switch Inputs※画像は見本になります
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